What is INNOVTE ?
INNOVTE (Investigation Network On Venous Thrombo-Embolism) is a national network accredited by F-CRIN that aims to develop clinical and translational research as well as studies at European scale on venous thromboembolic embolism (VTE). The network currently includes about 50 centers, accredited teams, clinical investigation centers, INSERM research teams in France and two European collaborations in Brussels and Geneva.
Our research topics include the treatment of VTE, but also diagnostic and prognostic aspects, in particular using biomarkers. The presence of several translational research teams also allows us to address more basic research investigations.
Clinical trials that we have conducted over the past 20 years have been published in scientific journals at high impact factor.
In addition, INNOVTE had collaboration with other international networks, such as network from Canada (CAN-VECTOR), Spain (via the RIETE registry), Dutch (DUTCH network) and Italy. Finally, INNOVTE is integrated in the worldwide thrombosis network "INVENT". These international collaborations allow us to develop large-scale international projects that lead to a practice changing and an improvement in the prognosis of VTE.
studies since INNOVTE creation
ongoing studies
>10 000
patients included in clinical studies
publications since INNOVTE was created, 58 in 2022
Map of INNOVTE network locations
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